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In 1992 I graduated as an autonomous visual artist from the Minerva Academy in Groningen. Prior to this study, I completed a degree in environmental science at the Higher Agricultural School. This has determined the underlying theme in my work. The inescapable influence that humans have on nature/environment is my central motif. Nowadays I work almost exclusively in the material paper.

Participation in Kunst aan Huis 8/9 & 15/16 March

This time I will open my studio and there may be an installation. I'm busy cleaning up and preparing for the theme: ON THE MOVE.

Of course there is a lottery involved and there is a chance to win a work with a value of €500.



Kunst aan Huis

Art route through the Lauwersland area, The Netherlands

March 8/9 & 15/16

dwarsdoorsnede opgerold blad

Assignment "Fabric" completed

Weefsel, opdracht voor Kees Vendrik
Weefsel, opdracht met bijbehorende doos
Weefsel, opdracht van boven gezien

On November 20, the artwork "fabric was presented to Kees Vendrik, chairman of the National Climate Platform, at the DeTopvanOnderop.


Bijou Revisited - Laude

Ina Fekken portret met papier
ceremonieruimte natuurbegraafplaats Laude

The exhibition in the building of the Nature Cemetery in Laude with  "Bijou revisited" series on the wall ended.
The reception building is located in the middle of a nature reserve area of ​​60 hectares. You are welcome to walk there from sunrise to sunset.

Winter Salon exhibition - Galleri SoHo

bijou galerie SoHo  Sweden

Part of the Bijou series in Galleri SoHo, Sweden.

I was participating in the exhibition Winter Salon.

In the photo the works I sent.


Galleri SoHo
Valhallagatan 20

72460 Västerås



Paper art Netherlands | Paper & Art by Ina Fekken

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Ina Fekken - Burg. IJ Wiersumstraat 18 - 9963PK Warfhuizen
The Netherlands

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