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Feast of the Spirit 2022
church Noordbroek


Feast of the SPIRITS- Church Noordbroek - Ina Fekken
May 26 - June 6, 2022

The installation was shown in the Noordbroek church during the Feast of the Spirit event in 2022.
The beautiful church in Noordbroek is a highlight of the Romano-Gothic style, but what particularly struck me were the beautiful wall and vault paintings, the burial drums on display and the trees around the site that gradually take over the graves and fences.

Nature looked completely different during the period that the paintings (ca. 1350 to 1480) were applied in the church, Noordbroek was located in a swampy area and from exotics (non-native flora and fauna) was not yet mentioned. We were surrounded by a completely different plant world. I can imagine that people  took examples from the nearby area for the plant motifs. Around 1900 the funerary drum was in fashion, with whorls of different leaf types in it.  Always with a symbolic meaning.  Since that time the number of exotics has increased considerably until now, when only 3% of all trees in the Netherlands  are native (according to tree researcher Bert Maes).

An example of how our actions lead to change.

These ingredients provided the impetus for the installation that was on display in the church.

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